
Gratitude: A poem by Monika Kapur

With eyes wide open, you fail to see
The little blessings that are given to thee.
Every morning the sun comes to bless you,
And send its light and warmth to caress you.
The little mist, a tiny  drizzle of rain,
Are worthy enough to take a bagful of pains.
The cool zephyr, the lovely rainbow, the glittery horizon,
Doesn’t they all make you feel proud of your origin?
The twinkling stars of night, the lovely crescent of the moon, 
Cause the painters to drench in colors and poets to swoon.
The little rhythm inside us, the beating of our heart.
Is a reason enough to appreciate life, God’s self-created art?
The day and night, the constant change of seasons,
The weather, the climate, the waves of the ocean.
Let’s pay gratitude to Mother Earth, let’s say a hearty thanks.
Let’s pay a little back to it by keeping clean, the air, land and the river banks.