
Journey of pink: A poem by Prerana Prabha

White wedded Red and Pink was born
A pretty, soft girl child whom all loved
And who in turn loved all.
As she turned into her teens
Her cheeks turned pink
And life affirmed within her every cell.
Her body became fuller and curves alluring
Her mother’s happiness knew no bounds on seeing the daughter
Till one morning Pink sensed a hardness
In one of her breasts.
The apprehensive parents
Took her to the doctor
And after a series of tests, their fear came true.
Hair fell, skin became blotchy, the chemo destroyed good and bad alike.
At last, the verdict was passed her breast has to be removed.
Pink looked like the ghost of her earlier self
But one thing that remained unchanged was her spirit and love for life.
At the end of her battle with the dreaded disease
She came out victorious
One breast less but more glowing with inner beauty
Her life she dedicated to the awareness of the disease
And thus pink began to be known
Not just for softness but strength too.