
Mother earth- Heal thyself: A poem by Rishika Thakur

Location- Hospital ward.
“May we come in Mother Earth?” asked Mars peeping through the crack in the door.
“Of course, brothers and sisters, come,” she responded.
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune slowly walked into the little hospital ward, a bouquet of little saplings in hand.
“How do you do mother?” asked Venus hoping to receive better news today.
Mother Earth had been in critical condition. The pollution, the destruction caused by her residents seemed to get worse day by day causing her tremendous pain and suffering.
“There seems to be some strange activity going on in one of the countries dear. I can’t quite understand it,” responded Earth in anguish. “That is causing me immense distress.”
“I’ll ring for the doctor immediately,” said Neptune.
After a few tests, the doctor told Earth and the other planets about the vicious COVID-19 which had affected one of her countries. He predicted this virus would engulf the whole planet if it wasn’t controlled. Unfortunately, controlling the virus was a task assigned to the humans which they failed to take care of.
Every day the number of cases grew more and more. Soon, the humans had no choice but to confine themselves to their homes to avoid further spread of the disease.
A few days later…
A few more tests run by the doctor unearthed a shocking discovery.
“It seems like due to lack of human activity, your waters are clearing up, the pollution is going down, the animals are breathing better and the trees are growing faster,” he reported to a very flabbergasted Earth and other planets.
It was miraculous news but it came at the cost of the suffering of humans
There was a period of silence. Earth, her brothers, and sisters contemplated this news.
“Mother Earth- Heal Thyself,” said Jupiter finally filled with hope.
“Yes, mother! Take this opportunity to heal and to recover. The humans will be able to see you recover and will repent on all the destruction they have caused,” said Mercury clutching Earth’s hand.
And, that’s exactly what she did. Within a few short weeks, Mother Earth grew healthier and healthier. She recuperated, breathing in new life.
This sent a powerful message to humans. They repented their actions and vowed to act more responsibly in the future. They loved Earth.

We take our Earth for granted. We hurt her, crush her, destroy her. Without us in the picture, she only flourishes. She’s trying to tell us to stop, to reconsider our actions, and to stop her suffering. So let’s take care of our Mother. She really needs it.