
The pandemic : An appeal to stay Home: A poem by Lalita Vaitheeswaran

With mask, gloves and
Protective gears 
Amidst disease and dying fears

He stayed firm like a rock
Appealing society to be locked
He didn’t have the option to stay back
Resting at home was the choice he lacked

He was the provider of healthcare
Having the grit, will and lions dare!

He touched them, while they coughed on his face
He held them with love and didn’t disgrace

 Hundreds and thousands the count went on
While he cared for them from dusk to dawn

He sneezed and then coughed his breathing labored
His life dangled and on a thin line wavered

He continued to fight the war of   his life
While many others were cured the news was rife

Today was his funeral no one to attend
They said it’s a Pandemic..and isolation is the trend !!