
Life’s magic in the time of corona: A poem by Supriya bansal

 When a minuscule virus creates havoc, slaving slaying, snuffing out  
But life still insistent, adamant, bursts forth, emerges, births ‘n sprouts 
It becomes magical, pure ‘n simple yet tough and tenacious, beyond any doubts 
In the times of social distance, when contact is rejected, repelled ‘n damned  
But a healer finds it in his heart to touch, heal salve, lend a helping hand 
bruised broken ‘n wounded yet reviving ‘n calm, Life is magical, I understand  
When all plans come to a standstill, hustle-bustle, rush ‘n haste stirs to a slow 
Amidst tumult ‘n chaos, tallying the blessings your gratitude lingers, persists ‘n grows 
Inert ‘n static yet burgeoning ‘n thriving, it’s all life’s magic, for you to see ‘n know 
In a deluge of misery, dolor, death ‘n despair, shudder, panic ‘n gloom 
a child fancies, makes up, dreams on, immune impervious to the notions of the doom 
Alarmed, timid yet brazen ‘n bold, isn’t it magic that Life’s’ spinning on its loom 
When indefinite, intangible persists and the end doesn’t seem near 
A stranger online, sends recipes ‘n links, cares to care, ushering perk ‘n cheer 
severe, brusque yet kind Life’s magic isn’t a treasure so precious ‘n dear 
Corona claims lives, creates mayhem, mangle maim ‘n maul mankind 
It also makes me love more, hope more, pray more, renders me more resigned  
I beseech you O’ life, deliver us from this, one more magical trick, if you don’t mind 
I am at the end of my tether here, longing for usual, to bounce back to the grind.