
A flight to freedom : A poem by Supriya Bansal

 There’s mayhem, mobocracy all around me, a mist mucking lucidity, 
I pine for the elusive freedom, away from the tireless, abounding acridity  
My thoughts run pell-mell, rummaging the shelves of my subconscious  
To schlepp me away from the tangles of dread ‘n disarray, enormous ‘n obnoxious  
The hatchway to freedom appears jammed, I seem to have lost the latchkey 
I’m feeble ‘n frail, depleted ‘n broken, inveigled, writhing in a web of anxiety  
My mother steps out of my memories, wipes my brow, swaddles me snug 
A crevice appears in the wedged gate, hope peeps in, impatient for a hug 
I falter but bob up, a cacophony of childhood banter, laughter ricochets around me 
A zephyr of joy, zest ‘n bliss jaunts inside, shushing the keen wails of the banshee 
The crimson, amber hues of the eventide, I spent enveloped in amour, nudge me on, 
Calm content ‘n eager elation, effloresce, exuding a balmy fragrance of a new dawn 
A memory of that tiny finger curling around my pinky, the stir of the new life, lends me wings 
Tangible awe ‘n ardor, gratitude ‘n grace, prod me to plunge, pursue the song of the springs 
The door burst open,  
I soar ‘n swoop in the boundless sky, away from the shackles of fear, finally free 
The key to the clogged hatchway was all along with me, all the while hiding in my memories!!