
To my love!: A poem by Amrita Lahiri Bhattacharya

It was not love at first sight,
But marriages they say are made in heaven,
I found you in the plethora of matches,
Well! Love gradually seeped inside the dry crevices.

The road was strewn with potholes,
Somedays, the arguments preceded,
Some nights I soaked the pillows with my sobs,
Well! Love slowly peeped through the broken glasses.

The lockdown brought us closer,
We shared the chores and squeezed time for each other,
From chopping vegetables to mopping the floors,
Well! Love gingerly crept inside our aching hearts.

I found the new definition of love,
Your caring gestures and lending a listening ear to my monologues,
Comforted my soul and I found new reasons to love,
Well! Love inadvertently invaded our sweet home.

The banter that we share with a cup of tea in the balcony,
The common dreams that we nurture in our minds,
The sweet nothings and half-baked promises,
Well! Love steadily serenaded our souls.

If God gave me a wish to be granted,
I would beseech God to bestow you as my partner,
Well! Love will conquer all conquests,
Until death do us part!