
Ambition: A poem by Supriya Bansal

 The wee wispy cloud maundered along with the mother cloud, across the cobalt sky, 
“Can I touch the earth, O’ mother? “The novice wondered, gazing fixedly into his mother’s eye. 
Yeah! If you dare to dream,” the mother replied as she gently pulled him into her lap, 
A tiny ambition lined the little one’s eyes as the inky sky swathed him ‘n he lay down for a nap 
Weeks wandered by, he grew up into a tall ‘n strapping youth, with a wild, vivacious spirit 
His ambition had taken roots in his being, the land beguiled him, he could almost hear it 
He swooped down, stretching ‘n swelling, till drab, dingy smog thwarted his way, 
It’s a foolish dream, the dense mist declared, you’re heading towards distress ‘n dismay 
Embittered he rumbled ‘n roared yet the dream lingered on, the passion boomed ‘n burgeoned 
Darkness enveloped his soul, his ambition knew no bounds, he lugged but undeterred  
The earth reached out, sent moist pecks with the wafting, waffling wind, 
He relinquished calm ‘n control, his ambition surged ‘n sluiced, unbidden  
Weary, wasted ‘n spent, his smithereens lay entwined in the core of his beloved 
His filled the cracks of the parched earth, petrichor wafted ‘n swirled