
Lifting the veil: A poem by Amrita Lahiri Bhattacharya

The veil that covers my head from top to toe,
Doesn’t shield my fearlessness, painful soirees, piercing woe,
I am enough to fend for my short-lived dreams,
Don’t you dare belittle my choices, inflicting my self-esteem!

The veil of ignorance is dusted with the gleam of education,
Trampling and berating my ambition, evaluating it as an aberration,
I am enough to maintain the status quo,
Don’t you dare try to subjugate my opinions, declaring it shallow?

The veil of silence that I bore for years has been shattered,
The lips are unabashed sans lipstick, adorned with a smile that is infectious,
I am enough to carry the bastion of principles and morals,
Don’t you dare question my decision, lambasting my goals?

The veils of turbulent waves of prejudice have been receded,
The winds of rebellion against the misogynist society have swelled,
I am enough to tame the roaring dominance,
Don’t you dare challenge my resolution, craving for relevance!

The veil has not only a smattering of strength and power,
But also knitted with strings of faith, conviction, self-care, and self-love,
I am enough to straddle both worlds with equal élan and ease,
Don’t you dare try passing judgmental views, please!