
A stranger: A poem by Preeti S Manaktala

On a quest to search you— 
many questions still remain unanswered.
You, a stranger, an enigma and mystical. 
I wonder who you really are?

Not again, don’t step into my thoughts.
Shall I let go of my quest, as you seem too far.
You stir my being, question my journey.
I long to touch you, you the stranger! 

Shall I seek you through the Northern lights?
Or see your light in the Fireflies? 
Experience your wrath in the Volcanoes 
Or your myriad colors through a Rainbow! 

You are inaccessible like Moon the stars. 
Folklore says I must tread Mount Kailash.
Crying and yelling, I even searched for you on my dad’s funeral.
But now, I find you everywhere!!

I feel you in the raindrops.
I feel you in the breeze.
I feel you through the sun rays.
When I close my eyes in ecstasy,
I, finally feel you within me…!