
To my mother: A poem by Lopamudra Mallick


Draw the blinds, let there be light
I hear the cosmos celebrating
Open the windows, the fresh morning breeze whistles and calls my name – the intrepid!
There is someone at the door
The nothingness says it’s incandescence, your dried tears say it’s justice.
My house was brutally plundered
Darkness least knew I was your frangipani
The more I was crushed, the more redolent I became.
There wasn’t a night when your pillow didn’t cry with you.
You silently prayed and asked- where did my frangipani go?
The Angels were busy writing the retribution.
I know you are frazzled. But get up, your prayers are not denied.
Let’s plunder the darkness today!
I rejoicingly shed tears, Ma. I triumphantly whimper and gently shower on you asking-
How could fragrance ever be evanesced?