
When a Baby Smiles: A Poem by Beena Arjun

As she fed on me, she would pause to look at me,
Give she would a toothless smile, a picture perfect memory.
I would hear my heart from beneath her, Bursting in maternal love!!
Squishing herself through the coffee table, peeping her head out
An unforgettable naughty smile give she would, thrilled to have pranked on me.
Once again I would hear my heart call out, Bursting in maternal love!!
Splitter splatter in the soapy bathing tub, beating her tiny hands and legs
Between the gasps, she would look at me to give a smile,
My heart would jump with joy, Bursting in maternal love!!
When I took her for a stroll in the park, a wide big smile she would give passers by,
Forcing them to stop and say a Hi..
My heart would soar up in pride, Bursting in maternal love!!
Big conversations we made through baby talk,
She would smile as though, something big we solved
My heart would cry with joy, Bursting in maternal love!!
As I cradled her to sleep in her baby cot, I would catch her smile in her sleep,
And my heart would say, thanks my love for being there,
Bursting in maternal love!!