
This is My Story


Happy this moment,

Sad the next moment,

What is this story that keeps going on inside me?

This is my story and,

I have no control over it


I keep walking on the ground

The sky caresses my head and blesses me

Like a blue umbrella, like a shadow

Like a colourful sheet of the universe

Keeps moving with me but where is it mine


The sky is with me but does not listen to me

If I ask it to come down,

It won’t come down

It will accompany me from a distance

It will not come close to me and maintain a relationship with me


It changes colour,

So seeing it,

I also want to keep changing colors,

There is no artificiality anywhere,

Everything is natural


Somewhere we find some sense of belonging,

Somewhere else some relationship does not deteriorate or fade away,

Nothing gets worn out or erased.


Dr. Minal

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