
La Poésie


La Poésie 

Remember… eons ago

Our first encounter in my humble hive

When without much ado, we did jibe

You were lucid, in your free-form

Your elements worked like a charm


As time passed, I took a great liking

For your kind, that had a perfect rhyming

Most I came across, were like the rainbow

They cheered me with their lyrical tempo

Free-flowing yet steady, like the willow


Poésie, you are my necessity

I love your poignant simplicity

Your melody works like therapy

It inspires me to give identity

To words, awaiting their destiny


It wasn’t easy to start, though

So I picked a pen ‘n went with the flow

Magically, my thoughts started to pour

With words elegant, I crafted poems galore

Here’s one for you, hope you enjoy ‘n adore.


Moumita Dutta

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