
Daughters: A Poem by Lalita Vaitheeswaran

Precious progeny, priceless posterity

O daughters! you are the mantle of days to come

You give birth to a whole new generation

The foundation of a civilization you build to blossom


Frolicking and playing in the parents’ home

Pampered and loved by one and all

You spread cheer, love and happiness around

Without you the home lacks a soul


You become the spreader of joy when you marry

Your other home now becomes your own

You handle responsibilities entirely new to you

Emotionally supported or sometimes alone


And yet you aren’t welcome at birth by your own

Your biological vulnerability is misused by many

You are groped, molested, raped abused and burned

Blamed for every incident unsavory or uncanny


Daughters! You need to stand up for yourself

Refusing to take injustice lying down ever

Remember silence would never lead you anywhere

Fight for justice and speak up against the perpetrator