
Time Machine: A Poem by Manisha Amol

Brimming with joy I sit in the time machine,
Reminiscing and collecting past memories.
A truly wondrous age!
No worries,follies or regrets,
Living by the minute,hours and days.

Trembling with anticipation and anxiety,
I step in the time machine again!
Visualization of unfulfilled dreams,
Propels me to the future unseen,
Images are still very vague and unclear!

But as it is time to leave..
The present moment beckons me..
I need to rejoice as much!
As soon it will be past!
The upcoming future will cherish it..

Any spent time never returns..
Unstoppable it moves ahead..
I smile and live on!
Not paying heed to the past echoes!
Or the dreams of future uncertain!