
The Magical Imparts: A Poem by Lakshmi Ajoy

I will ornate my garden with blossoming bloom,
And let the Sunrise shine through the weather that gloom.
I will get the rainbow to shine through the darkened clouds,
And persuade the skies to clear off misty shrouds.
I will halt for the moon to turn blue,
And gather the gleam of the moonlight so true.
I will wait for the vast ocean waves to surge,
And collect the dainty pearls of its floors that emerge.
I will await the flamingoes’ migration,
And the ship radars to rotate navigation.
I will pause to let the snowfall descend,
And wait at the peak of every mountain’s end.
I will walk upon frozen rivers,
And wait for your kiss on my lips that quivers.
For when you will come back, my love,
The miraculous power of our bond will carry us above.
A mystical charm of our stirring hearts,
Stirring a dose of magical imparts.