
While I Traverse: A Poem by Manpreet Chadha

The trail takes me to Heaven, to innards of magical Earth
Verdant, pristine, bounteous with Nature’s wealth
A woody fragrance fills my nostrils, awestruck I tread
The impish sun plays peek-a-boo, now here now in stealth
The heady blend of serenity and symphonies of nature
Soothe, lull, heal, embalm, mind and soul in fracture
Loaded with ecstasy, gratitude, and adulation
I am prompted to read discreet messages and lessons

Those towering picturesque pines climbed over by vines
Whisper harmony, support, coexistence so divine
The old order changeth yielding place to new
Speak fallen dry leaves as they crackle under my shoe
The green spread sprinkled with multi-hued blooms
Sends pleasing vibes to spread cheer, dispel the gloom
Crickets, hoppers, ants, spiders, birds, squirrels gay
Tweet to homo sapiens to guard beautiful balance at play

While still traversing to relish boundless bliss
I silently make to myself a solemn promise
To be the trailblazer of harmony, custodian of divine treasure
And leave the trail intact whilst I soak in the priceless pleasure