
Colors of My Love: A Poem by Madhuri Kulkarni

As I look into your deep blue eyes…
I find my own reflection…
The vermillion red… I put on your forehead shines…
The yellow turmeric smeared on your cheeks shimmers…
Your pink lips quivering…
The kajal laid eyes inviting…
O! Please let me decorate you…
With the colors of my love …
The green bangles clinking…
The anklets on your feet jingling…
Make my heart beat racing…
Numerous hues to adorn you…
As we walk hand in hand…
Amidst chanting of hymns…
Blessings of the elders…
I take the seven steps…
With your hand in mine…
My trust in you shall never falter…
My love for you shall never alter…
I wish to sail along with you…
With all smiles and tears throughout our lives…