
Lesson of Love: A Poem by Lakshmi Ajoy

When my eyes first entwined with yours,
I could not decipher the codes of the fiery embers,
That blazed from within my expanse,
Towards understanding the restless and wavering mind,
Or from the heavily pounding irregular heartbeats.
The deepest emotions were discovered there,
Within your Soul through those mystical eyes,
Entrapping the truth and baring the naked Souls,
In an unending journey that knew no beginning,
Into timeless Eternity beyond the Cosmic space.
This was a sacred and sanctified bond,
Sanctioned by the anointing of The Divine Mercy,
Where the energies of the same waves,
That rhythmically dances to perfection,
Were to face each other after a long separation.
The fierce and impassioned sparks of passion,
Uplifted the wisdom and knowledge of the Souls,
That were spilt into two parts of the same source,
Now fused together to learn the language,
Of the purest journey that never ended…