
Last Page of Her Diary: A Poem by Dhara Virani

She forces herself to get up every morning,
Drags herself to work.
“I’m just tired. Didn’t sleep well.”
She walks in the rain,
Lost in her world of thoughts,
She pictures herself coming in front of a bus,
Blood reeking from her fragile body,
People gathering around and hushing vaguely,
She is free.
“She was listening to music,
Her earphones are to be blamed!” They say.
Every day she loses a part of herself,
Trying to fix the broken,
She has no one to mend her,
Not even herself.
She is void and empty,
She wants to die.
“I’m doing great!” Every time she lies.
And no one except the last page of her diary knows,
What goes on inside her clouded mind.