
Dead Inside: A Poem by Abhinaya Srinivas

Tonight, I feel
Colder than the birches of the Arctic.
Years that wandered past,
Memories beyond distraught.
Remains of broken promises and love;
Forced friendships, ruthless lies,
Linger longer than they really should;
Within me, like the day-time moon.
Words of love spoken in hushed tones,
Only for seconds-the vulnerable ones-
Between midnight and dawn.
Untold stories of betrayal and pain
All too much to be endured.
So, I accepted the undisturbed comfort,
Of being by myself to a demonic level.
I’ve become the reaper of innocent souls,
Encasing it all in an almost distant smile
Now that the road back home
Is eternally forgotten, I’m more than just
A falling flower in a rotten garden.