
An Interview with Ms. Sonia Kapoor

Ms. Sonia Kapoor

Who or what inspired you to embark on your own journey in the world of arts?

Learning art was always my dream and passion since childhood. I wanted to draw my imagination on paper using sketches and vibrant colors. Different art mediums provide capabilities to pen down different aspects of life as one wants.

Have you studied arts or obtained formal training in it?

I had some informal training earlier in life. Now for the last 6 years, I m going through formal studies. Attended “Beginner in Painting” from the London Art Academy, London. After coming back to India learning art through professional coaches and institutes for the last 4 years.

Describe your art style.

I would reckon currently its more of Freestyle.

For how many years have you practiced your art, and have you had to overcome any hurdles on the way?

On a serious, I am practicing for the last 6 years or so. Learning more and focusing on bringing perfection helps me overcome most of the learning hurdles. Time crunch from busy family life always remains a challenge though.

What memorable responses have you had to your work? 

There are a couple of which I can recall in this short career.
1. In the early days of learning in London, my work was appreciated and complimented  as “Art of Picasso”
2. Recently another painting of mine was compared with some well-known artist in the industry by the person who owns it now

What do you aim to achieve in the future?

I would say its still early days of learning. There is a lot to learn. But I am surely looking forward to being recognized and appreciated for my work.

Is there any specific area you now wish to explore?

Oil painting is one medium where I would like to learn every bit possible to bring perfection in my work.

What would you advise youngsters inclined towards the arts?

Art requires patience and perseverance. The devotion of time and mind is essential. No short cut would help.

Ms. Sonia Kapoor’s Artworks