
An Interview with Mr. Rahul Dutta

Mr. Rahul Dutta

Who or what inspired you to embark on your own journey in the world of arts?

From my childhood, I used to see my father’s art and gradually developed interest then after finishing my studies and during my work tenure, I started giving more time in arts.

Have you studied arts or obtained formal training in it?

No, I haven’t gone through any personal training or any certification course, my own interest and learning intension made me understand about Arts. 

Describe your art style.

Basically, I am a Contemporary artist and love to do realistic paintings mostly the living style of villagers, Indian culture.

For how many years have you practiced your art, and have you had to overcome any hurdles on the way?

 It’s a never-ending process, I am learning in each and every step whenever I see other artists work, and certainly, I had to overcome many hurdles which made me learn better.

What memorable responses have you had to your work?  

There were many but few moments I really cherish when my father appreciated my work since he himself is a senior artist. 

 What do you aim to achieve in the future? 

 A known artist and want my students to reach good heights. 

Is there any specific area you now wish to explore?

 Being an artist it’s a very tough time for us, now during this pandemic time let’s see what scope can we come up to live our livelihood.

What would you advise youngsters inclined towards the arts? 

There is no definition of Art whatever we do on canvas can be the type of art but there is certainly no shortcut to it, we need to stick to our basics and practice as much as you can. It’s a never-ending learning process. 

Mr. Rahul Dutta’s Artworks