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An Interview with Ms. Payal Agarwal

Ms. Payal Agarwal

Who or what inspired you to embark on your own journey in the world of arts?

Sometimes, inspiration comes from within. My artworks and poems complimented and inspired each other. I used to post them on my blog. My family and a few friends have always been a great support. 

Have you studied arts or obtained formal training in it?

No, I haven’t taken any formal training, but yes, I found some teachers along the way who guided me and helped me to enhance my skills.

Describe your art style.

I am fond of abstraction but most of the time I indulge in figurative art. My style is mostly a blend of both. I love to do murals too.

For how many years have you practiced your art, and have you had to overcome any hurdles on the way?

It’s been more than 15 years now. Art is my passion. Recently, I’ve decided to take it up professionally. I believe, there is no path without hurdles. Crossing them with positivity and patience is what really matters. 

What memorable responses have you had to your work?

A lady after looking at my artworks once said,  “Your raw expressions have so many layers to it. It’s a delight to see.” People have shown a lot of love for my work. I’m glad and grateful. Some of my works have found the right home. 

What do you aim to achieve in the future? 

I’ll keep working, and let my work speak for me. 

Is there any specific area you now wish to explore?

I find more scope of innovation and use of techniques in mixed media and would love to explore it while being original.

What would you advise youngsters inclined towards the arts? 

Be yourself, be original, keep learning, keep exploring, till you find your own style. 

                                                                                 Ms. Payal Agarwal’s Artworks