
If I were a cloud: A poem by Dr. Sonia Gupta

O’ if I were a cloud ever, 
I would impregnate myself with such drops of water,
That could bring the rain of love and peace everywhere,
Aha! That could enrich the hearts with joy and cheer,
That could wash away all pain and worries of the world,
That could shower only love, taking away all hatred!

O’ if I were a cloud ever, 
I would paint myself with wonderful colors,
And I would shade the lives which are left bare,
Aha! I would brim their soul with abundant care,
O’ I would paint a canvas in every heart,
That could be preserved until death departs!

O’ if I were a cloud ever, 
I would emit a light of hope and laughter,
Taking away all gloom of darkness,
I would spread the rays of brightness,
A light that could illuminate compassion and kindness,
Masking all agony, cruelty, and selfishness!

O’ if I were a cloud ever, 
I would traverse those deserts and barren lands here,
Which scream in thirst for a drop of water,
Where little buds wish to bloom into flower,
Where thorns and shrubs are lying in laps of hot sand all alone,
O’ I would drape mother earth there with greenery again!