
My love: A poem by Munira Dalal

My Love is someone to whom my life I owe
In my veins, her blood does actually flow

Just a humble attempt to show gratitude momma
I pen my thoughts and dedicate them to you dear Mama

The essence of your being is unconditional love
As deep and fathomless as the seas; limitless as the sky

You loved me the moment my heart was beating in a
Nine months close to you secure in your womb

Your warmth and energy is like the mighty sun
Gently caressing and nurturing all life; hatred towards

The stupendous strength of mighty mountains is in you
Life’s crisis and strifes always found you rooted with glue

In times of despair and dejection, you always encouraged
My rainbow you are; in you all hopes and promises I see

Needless to say, when life was too unbearable and
You always gave me shade as a tree to a traveller weary

Forgiveness, compassion, and patience you abundantly
You are a garden always in bloom with fragrant flowers

The strifes and struggles have begun on yourself to show
With your undaunting spirit, you will never let me know

I may be close to you or there may be miles between us
Your prayers always bless me with happiness thus

If there is one wish the Almighty would grant me
I would in every life want you as my mother to be!!