
Change: A poem by Anju Kishore

You can dodge it for some time
Or duck below its sight.
You can pretend it’s not around
And ignore it for a while.

But it will catch up with you soon.
You will need to stop and face it too.
“I am Change”, it will tell you
“Without me you are a stagnant pool.

Embrace me, you will never be the same.
Flow with me and play like life’s a game.
Turn with the twists, fall with the drops
And you will rise with the surge of my wave.

Resist me not, for regret is my shadow.
If you let me pass, its darkness will swallow
Your peace of mind as you fret and wonder
If an opportunity was missed and loss is to follow.

It’s change that causes the ups and downs
That shape your life and make you strong.
Fear not the winter before spring, nor the sun thereafter
That will make the flowers bloom by your frozen pond.”