
The Taj Mahal


Epitome of majesty, splendour and beauty

Stands testimony to love vast as an ocean

Mausoleum made up of dove-marble

Engraved with the love of the Mughal Emperor for his deceased wife


Manifesting royalty and grandeur of the Persian and Mughal design

Its minarets touch the sky, as if meeting the souls of the deceased couple

The lush greenery on both sides of the stream

Welcomes the visitors warmly, leading them to the iwan


The full moon rules the night sky with its soft glow

And the marvellous monument glitters like a white pearl at the backdrop of blue skyline

The line of cypress trees and flow of the Yamuna add to the charm of the mesmerizing sight

Its chattris and guldastas seem to bloom as lotuses in muddy water

Making the sight in its entirety as lovely as fancied Heaven!


The lofty monument has stood the test of time

Eternal, not withered by any force

Gushing romance in the veins of the contemporary lovers

Enkindling them to cross all miles,

And love one another as profoundly as Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal!


# Iwan= An arch-shaped doorway

# Chattris= Kiosks

# Guldastas= Decorative spires

Steffi Bhateja